Matrix Multiplication lab


This lab guides you through the steps involved in creating an AIE Graph that supports Matrix Multiplication for different data types.

Description of the lab

In this lab, you will add four different AIE kernels, each of them supporting a different data type to compute a Matrix Matrix multiplication of dimension 16x8 and 8x8. The supported data types are: float, int32, int16 and int8. Each kernel is written to fully utilize the vector processor data path.


Create a Vitis Project for the VCK5000 Versal Development Card

  1. Verify that the tools and VCK5000 platform are setup correctly here

  2. If you are not in the Vitis IDE already, start the Vitis IDE by running

    vitis -workspace ~/xup_aie_workspace

    Note, Vitis will use ~/xup_aie_workspace as work directory

  3. In the Vitis GUI create a new application project

    • Platform: xilinx_vck5000_gen4x8_qdma_2_202220_1
    • Name: matmult
    • Processor: ai_engine
    • Domain: aie_domain
    • Acceleration templates: Empty Application

Add source code for the AI Engine domain

  1. In the Explore pane, right-click matmult [ aie_domain ], then select Import Sources…

  2. In the Import Source window, click Browse…, then navigate to $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/matmult_lab/aie and click Open.

  3. Tick the aie box, then update the field Into folder: matmult

  4. In the Explore pane, expand matmult [ aie_domain ] > data and matmult [ aie_domain ] > src

    Review the source files. A detailed description of the files can be found here

  5. In the Explore pane, double-click matmult [ aie_domain ] > matmult.prj

  6. In the Application Project Settings window, select the Top-Level File

  7. In the File selection window, expand matmult > src and select graph.cpp, then click OK

Compile AI Engine kernel for Software Emulation

We are going to compile the AI Engine kernel and run software emulation to verify code correctness.

  1. In the Application Project Settings window, set the active build configuration Emulation-SW

  2. In the Explore pane, right-click on matmult [ aie_domain ] and then select Build Project

Run SW Emulation - x86 Simulation

Software emulation (x86 Simulation) uses the files in the data folder as stimuli. We will get an output file with the results.

  1. In the Explore pane, right-click on matmult [ aie_domain ] and then select Run As > Launch SW Emulator.

  2. Once the simulation is completed, in the Explore pane, select at the same time both matmult [ aie_domain ] > data > ref_outputc_float.txt and matmult [ aie_domain ] > Emulation-SW > x86simulator_output > float_output.txt. Then, right-click on one of them and select Compare With > Each Other After Transformation

  3. In the Extra transformation commands window, enter the following command to remove timestamps and to remove the extra spaces, then click OK

    grep -v T {0} | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"  | sed "s/[ ^t]*$//" > {0}2 && mv {0}2 {0}
  4. A windows reporting no differences will appear

    You can perform the same comparison for the other 3 data types

Compile and run AIE Simulation

This is still a software emulation (AIE Simulation), however the simulation takes into account the actual AI Engine array architecture. The AIE Simulation also uses files as input/outputs.

  1. In the Application Project Settings window, set the active build configuration Emulation-AIE

  2. In the Explore pane, right-click on matmult [ aie_domain ] and then select Build Project

    This compilation takes around 3-4 minutes

  3. In the Explore pane, right-click on matmult [ aie_domain ] and then select Run As > Run Configurations…

    Run as Configuration

  4. Double-click on the AI Engine Emulator. This will create a new run configuration

  5. Select: Generate Trace, Generate Profile, Generate all reports for selected Active Cores(s) and tick all cores.

    Run AIE emu

  6. Click Apply and then Run

    The emulation takes around 4-5 minutes

  7. In the Explore pane, select at the same time both matmult [ aie_domain ] > data > ref_outputc_float.txt and matmult [ aie_domain ] > Emulation-AIE > aiesimulator_output > float_output.txt. Then, right-click on one of them and select Compare With > Each Other After Transformation

  8. In the Extra transformation commands window, enter the following command to remove timestamps and to remove the extra spaces, then click OK

    grep -v T {0} | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"  | sed "s/[ ^t]*$//" > {0}2 && mv {0}2 {0}
  9. A windows reporting no differences will appear

    You can perform the same comparison for the other 3 data types

Explore AIE Graph with Vitis Analyzer

  1. In the Assistant pane, double-click matmult_system [System] > matmult [AIE] > Emulation-AIE > Run Summary (default)

    AIE Run Summary

  2. In the Vitis Analyzer open the Graph tab

  3. Note that there are 4 subgraphs, one for each data type

    Vitis Analyzer Graph

  4. Questions for the reader

    Q1: How many AI Engine tiles are used? Where are they placed?

    Q2: How many buffers are used? Where are they placed? What is their size?

    Q3: Is any AI Engine tiles only used for its memory?

    Q4: What is the AI Engine Frequency?

    Q5: How many tiles are used for Buffers?

    Q6: How many Interface channels are used for the ADF Input/Output?

    Answers in the appendix

  5. Recommended exploration for curious readers

    E1: Explore the Profile tab to find out more execution information in each AI Engine tile

    E2: Explore the Intermediate Representation of the code for each AI Engine tile. In Vitis, open the file Emulation-AIE > Work > aie > ir > 22_0.ll

    E3: Explore the assembly code for each AI Engine tile. In Vitis, open the file Emulation-AIE > Work > aie > 22_0 > Release > 22_0.lst

Performance Metrics

If we analyze the AI Engine Simulation Tab in Vitis Analyzer, you can find Profile information for each AI Engine tile

  1. Check the Total Function Time for Tile (22,1)

    Vitis Analyzer Profiler

    As you can see the matmult_int16 kernel takes 72 cycles to complete

    Q7: How many cycles are spend on float, int32 and int8?

  2. You can open the Trace, this reports all of the activity for the selected AI Engine Tiles

    Vitis Analyzer Tracer

    Note that for the matmult_int16 kernels there memory stalls (in red), but these are minimal. You can also explore the activity for the other Tiles.

The Profile and Trace will help you analyze the activity on your AIE kernel code, find bottlenecks, memory stalls, etc. These reports are key in helping you achieving maximum performance.

Change Runtime Ratio

  1. Open the graph.h file and change the runtime ratio for I16G and I8G, line 104 and 105, to 45.

    MatMultInt16Graph<45> I16G;
    MatMultInt8Graph<45> I8G;
  2. Recompile aie_domain

  3. Open the Compiled Summary

    If you explore the Array tab, you can see that matmult_int16 and matmult_int8 kernels are now mapped to the Tile (22,1). This means that we only use 3 tiles for the kernels and 8 for the buffers, based on the summary information.

  4. Recommended exploration for curious readers

    Change the runtime ratio of all kernels to 24. How many Tiles are used for the Kernels? How many Tiles are used for buffers?

Assignments for the Reader

The following assignments are optional, however they will help deepen your knowledge about the AIE programming model. No solution is provided for these assignments.

  1. Implement a matrix multiplication kernel with mixed precision for mat A and mat B.

    For instance, mat A is int16 and matB int8 or vice versa. You can also consider int32 and int16. Refer to AIE API Matrix Multiply documentation to find out supported shapes

  2. Using the existing kernels compute the result of a bigger matrix multiplication

    For instance a Matrix Multiplication where A is 64x64 and B is 64x64. You can go one step further and use the cascade interface to further partition the multiplication between different Tiles

It is recommended that you increase the simulation cycle timeout.

If you are attending an in-person tutorial, you can request support from your instructor. Otherwise, open a GitHub issue

Build Hardware

Coming soon



Q1: Four AI Engines are used

ID Kernel Column Row
i0 matmult_float 27 0
i1 matmult_int32 26 0
i2 matmult_int16 22 0
i3 matmult_int8 23 0

Q2: Three double buffers for each kernel are used, twelve double buffers in total

ID Column Row Bank(s) Size
buf0 27 1 2 512
buf1 27 0 2 256
buf2 27 0 1 512
buf3 26 0 0 512
buf4 26 1 0 256
buf5 26 0 1 512
buf6 22 1 2 256
buf7 22 0 0 128
buf8 22 1 2 256
buf9 23 1 0 128
buf10 22 0 2 64
buf11 23 1 2 128

Q3: Yes, based on the Tiles tab, you can see that AI Engine tile (27,1), (26,1), (23,1) and (22,1) are used only for its memory.

Vitis Analyzer Graph Tiles

Q4: 1250 MHz. Find this in Summary tab within the Vitis Analyzer, AI ENGINE FREQUENCY

Q5: Seven. Find this in Summary tab within the Vitis Analyzer, AI ENGINE RESOURCE Utilization. Note that Tile (23,0) is not used to allocate memory

Q6: Twelve. Find this in Summary tab within the Vitis Analyzer, AI ENGINE RESOURCE Utilization


data type Cycles
float 257
int32 202
int16 60
int8 34

For such small matrix sizes the overhead is significative. However, for larger matrices the efficiency of the code is much higher.

Increase Simulation Cycle Timeout

  1. In the Explore pane, right-click on matmult [ aie_domain ] and then select Run As > Run Configurations…

    Run as Configuration

  2. Select Arguments and add --simulation-cycle-timeout=200000

    Run as Configuration

  3. Click Apply and then Run

    The emulation takes around 4-5 minutes

Increase Stack Size

  1. Right-click matmult [ aie_domain ], then select C/C++ Build Settings

    C/C++ Settings

  2. In the Properties for matmult windows, under C/C++ Build select Settings, then make sure you select [All configurations]

  3. Under AIE C Compiler select Miscellaneous and set the Stack Size to 2048

    Increase Stack Size

  4. Click Apply and Close

  5. Compile AIE code

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